Due to certain recent events it has once again become necessary for us to remind you that you are responsible for your own account. You are not to give out your account details to anyone and you are also responsible to protect those details.
Your password for your account is yours and yours only. It allows full access to your account.
This is a serious matter should you fail to follow this advice.
If you receive a warning and/or get temp banned or worse case, permanent banned, we will not accept excuses that someone else has used your account, with or without your permission. Make sure you log out and don’t keep your password details where they can be found. The only exception to this would be if it was found your account has been hacked by another computer.
Do not ever advise other members to give out their password, and if any member for any reason tries to get you to give out your password, please report them to a member of staff or use the report button.
Thank you for your support and I hope this helps clear up a few questions